Crafty as a Serpent

A knit blog with recipes and theological musings interspersed.

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Location: Portland, Maine, United States

Abby d'Ambruoso is a Lutheran pastor and interfaith chaplain, currently serving in a variety of ministries in Portland, Maine.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

What a week: In which I explain why I'm so darn crabby

I've been reading emails from my colleagues who are also on internship. They talk about how they don't really know what to do, how they have so much free time right now. I read these emails and wonder what parallel universe they must be on.

This Spring, I thought about packing up all my books. I specifically packed books that I would like to read on internship. People said: you'll be bored for the first couple months and then you'll also have no friends, so bring your books. You'll need them.

Happy me, these things are not true.

This Sunday, I'll be preaching at Salem for the first time. I'm absolutely thrilled. I've been letting this sermon percolate, I've been waiting patiently for the goodness to drip through the filter and present me with a lovely sermon. But it is slow going. I'm preaching about how labeling people makes them into "others" and that those divisions don't exist in God's eyes. There's so much division and people labeling their neighbors as "others" here that I don't even know where to focus. That's the flip side to having a diverse neighborhood and a successful outreach effort.

So yesterday, Friday, my normal day off, I set aside for working on my sermon and catching up on my to do list because I had been neglecting it in favor of a million meetings and other more pressing tasks.

Instead of conquering the list, I only got through some of it. My number one task of "sermon", did not get done. Today is Saturday, which I had hoped would be my day off. Instead, I am working on my sermon.

Will is canning in the kitchen. He's making more sauce and trying his hand at salsa today. But I'm too darn crabby to be in a hot kitchen today. For now, he is content.

Yesterday, I thought it might be helpful to switch to another task for a while. So I took my first sweater down to my LYS (which still rocks, by the way) and frogged the whole thing.

YES, I FROGGED the WHOLE sweater. Happily, while I was there, I made some new friends. I could spend a lot of time down there. Did I tell you that there's a bakery a couple doors down?

So my first sweater is now numerous balls of yarn waiting to be cast on with a new design. Rick, one of the owners, suggested doing the sweater in reverse stockinette because it will show off the mottled effect more of the yarn. We will see.

This weekend is the Greek Festival here in Toledo. In fact, the festival is just a few blocks away, in our neighborhood. This means we can hear traditional Greek music until Midnight again tonight. Last night we helped with the parking (an annual fundraiser), and some of our youth were to show up at 10. When no one came, we called around and some other youth showed up at 11. That was way awesome of them, particularly since they're working again tonight. I feel like baking them a cake in thanksgiving.

So let's recap on the schedule:
Friday: get some little things done, attempt sermon, frog whole sweater (for hours), and help at Greek Fest until 11pm
Saturday: wake up at 7 to go to the Farmer's Market downtown. Attempt sermon, blog instead. Reject canning.
Sunday: Preach.

Wish me luck. Or pray that the Holy Spirit will give me words to speak.

By the way, my turnips that I planted in August are coming up and will need to be thinned soon. Yippee!


Blogger Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Hope the sermon went really well, Abby - if you spoke from the heart, as you do on your weblog, then they will have been hanging on your every word. I sent strong thoughts from Ireland to help.

You are pretty tough, to face into frogging an entire sweater - although I have to admit it can be quite cathartic if you're sick of the whole darn muddle anyway! And if it's a lovely yarn, you will have learned from the first time round what you really want!

Wish I'd been there for your Greek weekend. Did you get to drink ouzo?


Monday, September 11, 2006 10:16:00 AM  

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